Krista\’s ARC Team

Do you want to read the latest Krista Lake book before everyone else? For free?

Advance Reader Copy (ARC) team members get my book before it\’s published so that you can leave a review on Amazon when it becomes available. The reviews on Amazon are critical to the book being a success, so that\’s why I\’m happy to give books to my most loyal and amazing readers.

What are the benefits to being an ARC reader?

  1. Free e-books before they are published!
  2. Free signed copies of the newly released books
  3. Prizes and giveaways

It\’s super easy and fun to be an ARC reader! You\’ll get the book before it goes live on retailers. Read it, love it, and then leave a review for others to find!

I\’m always looking for new ARC readers. All you have to do is sign up using the form here! If you want to join the totally awesome Facebook group, click HERE (If you don\’t do Facebook- don\’t worry! I send out everything in email too!)

Make sure to drag the welcome email to your primary tab so the emails don\’t go to spam!

Thank you!!